Life is Short
By dlimelite
  • Poetry
  • lifeisshort


Life is short as they say, what will you be remembered for when you pass away? We all have a purpose in this world. We're all sent on a mission. Are you heavily endowed to fulfill your ambitions or are you just still wishing? Life is short as they say, what will you be remembered for when you pass away? Many don't realize how important the people in their lives are and how much to them they're worth, until one day they suddenly die and are buried into earth. Rivers of tears flowing, sorrow and mourning. When you go to a funeral, remember to view it as a warning. To live your life to the fullest for you only have one life journey. Life is short as they say, what will you be remembered for when you pass away? Many live to live but not live to give; your contributions to the world that is. Day after day and year after year, but the day will come in which we all fear. Evaluate your life now and strive to live a life helping others with love before your departure to join the ancestors above. Life is short as they say, what will you be remembered for when you pass away? - Oyinkan Olusesi written in 2015

Life is Short

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Life is S...
by dlimelite