There was once a tell, that was never to believed and was downed upon cause it sounded outrageous, in this world Soulmate Marks exists, what no one belief was that a Human in the old ancient tell, that the Human was soon to be bonded and attached to be the Soulmate of the Kaiju Titans that role the lands, and that Human, is no other then Elena Carter Russel, older sister of Madison Russel, first child of Mark and Emma Russel, was born 1998, at the age of 13 fated to be attached to the Kaiju Titan's, since the death of their Brother Andrew Russel born 2002 fives year's after Elena was born, and 5 years before Madison was born, The family separated, Emma took Custody of Madison and Elena even though shes 21 decideed to help and stick with Her father as help Him through the pain, and lost of Andrew. |Warning: Godzilla and Monster-verse titans are all owned by Legendary Pictures Toho Co, and the pictures used in this story are owned by their rightful owners/artists, I only own the OC in the story thank you!|
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