[Season 3] [September 21st, 2022] [TV-14-LV] Excitement, revelations and a dangerous, villainous group more sinister than the Taskmaster Society await Layla and her team in the intense third season of Aeterna Noctis... In the 6 months following the shocking reveal of Alina Kilgrave's true heritage as the daughter of the alleged leader of the Taskmaster Society and orchestrator of her nightmarish upbringing and the emotional redemption of his sins, the team tries to find a sense of peace and stability during the holidays while also preparing to face a new mission - the liberation and rehabilitation of the women assassins within the Society itself and fight to give them a new purpose and hope to take back their control. But just as things seem to be looking towards a positive outlook, deep within the shadows lie an even more sinister group - the mysterious Order, a cult-like founding of shrouded individuals who have been leading the Taskmaster Society since its conception, prepare to strike from their seats against Layla and Alina's mission by next year. With new friends and foes looming on the horizon, Layla will soon be faced with a heartbreaking secret that threatens to up-end her very life and sense of being as the Order threatens to destroy everything she's ever known. In 7 chapters split between the two sisters, return to the world of Aeterna Noctis as Season 3 takes the team to new heights, new locations - and new threats - with revelations that will shake readers to their core. Winter Is Coming...