Trouble In Hera Pal...
By indyninji
  • Fanfiction
  • babel
  • badass
  • betrayal
  • chayoung
  • cheonseojin
  • eugene
  • fanfiction
  • geumga
  • hera
  • jangjoonwoo
  • jeonyeobeen
  • joodantae
  • jooseokhoon
  • jooseokkyung
  • kdrama
  • kimsoyeon
  • lawyer
  • leejiah
  • loganlee
  • parkeunseok
  • penthouse
  • plottwist
  • simsuryeon
  • songjoongki
  • vincenzo


Hong Nayoung. Younger sister of Hong Chayoung and she's just as feisty and sassy as her unnie. She's a law abiding citizen until a certain Italian lawyer comes to Korea and shakes her world up. Hera Palace. A place only for the rich and elite. So how on earth does Hong Nayoung manage to get in? helps that she's the owner and founder of a very famous law firm. YC Law. It's not long before she has to fight both Babel Group and the residents of Hera Palace. Will Nayoung win her battles? Or will it all come to a bloody end? ⚠️MATURE SCENES, SWEARING AND VIOLENCE AND DEATH⚠️ Disclaimer: all characters are not mine except Nayoung as she's from my imagination alone. Any links to real life people are a complete coincidence. I don't own any pictures used - full credit goes to owners.

An Italian In Korea

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Trouble I...
by indyninji