Love - different st...
By visibleinkblankslate
  • Fanfiction
  • 2moons


We have all seen, read and witnessed stories about sweet love, passionate love, tragic love, vengeful love etc....But what about WEIRD or UNIQUE LOVE which boggles our mind because its difficult to understand it? So let me try this new type of love story/stories. Based out of my research online about this unique kind of love stories, I have fictionalized it to suit my genre under the PRIDE umbrella. Obviously I would only have my lead characters from the 2moons 1 and 2 cast especially with my personal favorite Beam/Tee. So let us read and enjoy while being non judgmental and open minded. As usual none of the characters belong to me, neither do the images belong to me. I am also inspired by various headlines and real life incidents while writing these one shots. The author's note shall give full credit to what inspired me.

Unique Love stories

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Love - di...
by visibleinkblankslate