By UnVerseau
  • Teen Fiction
  • hybrid
  • jongup
  • new
  • supernatural
  • watty
  • werewolf


It started out as something anyone could have confused as a hangover, food poisoning, or any other puke indulging sickness. But then within minutes it morphed into something even the smartest and most experienced medical facilitators couldn't diagnose. I mean, how could you really label someone as transforming into a werewolf if less then a penny of the earth knew of the species? "Sienna... Sienna please go." Elijah pleaded, arms quivering as he coughed up more and more blood and bile, leaving a strong scent throughout the musky air. Why is life so hard? Why can't we all just be human and lead normal lives? If there was a wall here right about now I'd probably have the chance to bang my head into it repetitively, like what they always do in those cliché films when the protagonist is flustered. But then again it's normally on a locker where they can also bang their enraged fists. Oh typical high school drama, how I somewhat missed that. But no. I'm stuck here trying to help the boy I have a stupid secret crush on get through his transformation with the time for the train departure ticking away every second. And quite frankly, blood is my weak point. Yeah, not ideally a trait one should have in this current situation. But hey, being a hybrid comes with downsides.. Actually way more downsides then perks. Heck, I don't think my witchy powers really did me any good ever! Hence I'm trapped here in this scene where my attractive crush is coughing out that warm red liquid we all know so well. Lord have mercy. ---------------------------------------------------------- All Rights Reserved. Copyright ©UnVerseau 2012/2013. Editing Done : October 20th, 2014.


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by UnVerseau