Summoning A Fallen...
By not_canteria
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • alternateuniverse
  • fanfiction
  • futuristic
  • japansummons
  • nihonkokushoukan
  • onesided
  • science-fantasy
  • summoningjapan
  • technologygap
  • unfinished
  • war
  • warfare


A Nihonkoku Shoukan fanfiction where a divided USA gets summoned to another world. Original story by Minorou. In 2066 a bright light appears in North America stretching throughout the world during WW4 and blinds the entire continent. During that time planes are forcefully grounded as the light was accompanied by a shockwave that tore wooden buildings apart, dented metal and shut off electrical equipment momentarily. When the shockwave subsided it was found that countries belonging to the former USA had disappeared entirely, leaving only Canada, the Mexican Union and Panamanian Empire as the powers of the North American continent. Meanwhile in the Great Orient. Louria, an ultranationalist nation, is currently invading a nation called Qua-Toyne and an allied nation named Quilia. Together these nations make up the continent of Rodenius, But these nations will be met by an unknown nation, or rather, unknown nations from a continent simply known as "America". How will the Great Orient react to the Americans? How will they also react to the fact that an American carrier group from 1976 had been stuck in this world too? Only time will tell. PS: This story uses a mix of the manga and light novel as a reference for the first few chapters. Also the only territories brought to the Great Orient is the mainland USA and Alaska. Hawaii and other foreign territories belonging to the USA (modern day and ACW) are not brought with them.

Prologue: America Goes Blind

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by not_canteria