The Bully (Awesampo...
By dreamsmp45795
  • Romance
  • attemptedsuicide
  • awesamdude
  • awesamponk
  • dreamsmp
  • mentionsofrape
  • mentionsofsuicide
  • ponk
  • romance
  • selfharm
  • suicidalthoughts


Sam is a bad boy and a bully. He bullies a lot of people but his main target is Ponk. Ponk gets bullied by him so much and he thinks about killing himself but he has friends who don't want him to. Ponk's friends are Dream, Sapnap, and Karl while Sam's friends are Technoblade, Antfrost, and Redvelvet. One day Ponk is studying when he gets comments on his tik tok saying that he should go kill himself and that it's his fault that Sam is bullying him. He goes on the roof and breathes in and out and jumps. Dream finds out and calls the ambulance and calls his friends and it's the next thing that goes on at school and it goes around. Dream finally gets tired of it and orders Sam into the bathroom after lunch. Dream has his other two friends in there as well as Sam. Sam visits Ponk and apologizes. Ponk forgives him and he tells him how he feels and they get together.

Chapter 1

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The Bully...
by dreamsmp45795