The Story of a Lost...
By Jacquelyn_B
  • Fanfiction
  • depresssion
  • love
  • neverland
  • once-upon-a-time
  • peterpan
  • sanfransico


Isabelle Roberts doesn't exactly have the best life. She lives in San Francisco in a small apartment with not much money. It was good for a time, but disaster struck. Her mom and dad died from a car crash when she was 9 years old and she was adopted by her Uncle Freddy. Now, Uncle Freddy generally would come home drunk at 2 in the morning so Isabelle never got food, clothes, or love. Uncle Freddy would beat her and tell her that she was worthless and that it was her fault her parents died. She wanted to leave this life and she was just waiting for her chance when someone finally gives that chance to her. But who is this mysterious person? Read this story to find the ups and downs of Isabelle's life.

Chp 1- A New Boy

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The Story...
by Jacquelyn_B