The Witches of Grim...
By cerebro_mortem
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • fae
  • fantasy
  • grimbole
  • magic
  • sisters
  • thewitches


They left their home centuries ago, now known as "The Sisters", Sara, Gwen and Talia have made a life for themselve in the town of Grimbole. Leaving the past behind them as they the premium pie joint in the state, but the past never stays the past as "The Sisters are called upon by an ancient stranger from their homeland; to deal with situations best suited for their specific abilities. When they wake up as teenagers, the girls decide to reap the benefits of their new found employment. Now given a new lease on life and a new job, the girls face new and old evils where allies might just be the greatest enemy and caring might put the life of someone they hold dear at risk. Its a rollercoaster and nobodies getting off this ride where good verses evil and the line between the two could easily be blurred. This is the Witches of Grimbole

Chapter 1

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The Witch...
by cerebro_mortem