My Kotodama Diary l...
By Slimey69
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • angsttomyocstory
  • igotideascloudedtomyheaddd
  • ilovethegamewhenifirstplayityesterday
  • justwholesomeness
  • kotodamadiary
  • kotodamadiarybestmobilegame
  • selfinsertoc
  • somemechanicsbasedonthegame
  • wholesome


Just my Kotodama Adventures in my mobile phone and just some ideas in my head about my self insert OC living in the Kotodama Diary World. . Genre: Angst and Wholesome. . Uhhhh if you don't know about Kotodama Diary I recommend you to play it, it's a wholesome game about this kotodummy creatures and as you feed or give them words they evovle into some new kotodamas (uhhh is that how you call them when they evovle or smth? 😅) and as they evovle they will graduate and you get to decide if you want to keep them or not (please keep them :>). . Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Kotodama Diary creatures/the Game (obviously lol XD) only the fanfic and my self insert Oc, Kotodama Diary belongs to the Polaris-x Inc and to Ske6. And yeah that's it, enjoy my fanfic and sorry for the wrong grammars. (Ps. Dear Polaris-x Inc and Ske6 thank you for creating Kotodama Diary : D).

Adventure Beginnings???

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My Kotoda...
by Slimey69