Metal Gear X: The F...
By HydroDoesWhackyStuff
  • Action
  • bayonetta
  • devilmaycry
  • dmc
  • doom
  • doometernal
  • fantasy
  • hackandslash
  • metalgear
  • metalgearrising
  • scifi
  • shootemup
  • stylehardaction
  • stylishaction
  • themitchellsvsthemachines
  • ultrakill


The Adventure Awaits for 3 Cyborg Ninjas and 2 Demon Hunters, and 1 Doomslayer, Teleporting through time, seeing Mundus alive, and the most every built TMM107 and TMM108, Hydro and Sean. While facing a fierce god that has awakened onto Hydro's world, Mundus. Alternate Universes connected, chaos will have interfered, and that job where Demons come. ---- [A/N: Don't worry, there are no too many swear words(censored) or Gory kinds of stuff here, just that. Yes, I'm a fan of Metal Gear Rising & Devil May Cry. Even DOOM. You can even recognize the reference of the paragraphs I wrote it's in every chapters. Cover art made by me.] [Cover made by Me] [I do not own the Metal Gear Series, Devil May Cry, ULTRAKILL, etc., I also don't own most of the characters that I shown in the book, except Hydro, and Sean] ---- This is a: Devil May Cry Metal Gear Ultrakill The Mitchells vs The Machines Bayonetta Crossover. ---- Rankings: #doometernal - #11 #devilmaycry - #395 #metalgearrising - #17 #metalgear - #128 #themitchellsvsthemachines - #72 #dmc - #614 #bayonetta - #156

Prologue - Subject TMM107

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Metal Gea...
by HydroDoesWhackyStuff