The story of us...
By Nightdaemon
  • Fanfiction
  • alice
  • bella
  • carlisle
  • cullens
  • edward
  • emmett
  • emmettxocxrosalie
  • esme
  • fanfic
  • ff
  • forks
  • forsterkids
  • jacob
  • jasper
  • love
  • mates
  • orphan
  • paul
  • rosalie
  • sam
  • soulmates
  • twilight
  • vampires
  • vapires
  • werewolves


"I might not like muffins anymore but I think I remember how they tasted like. And let me tell you, they were just as sweet as you are." ----- Emery was an Orphan that lived her whole life in a children's home until she got adopted to a pair in a small town called Forks. It was her last chance to find a family. In the end she found so much more than that. For her, that was a scary feeling. ----- A RosliexOcxEmmett fanfic I do not own any of the Twilight characters, pictures and music, however the Oc's and the storyline of the fanfic is my idea. Just don't copy.

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The story...
by Nightdaemon