Immortal Sin (Remak...
By MysteryWerewolf14
  • Romance
  • action
  • adventure
  • bxb
  • fantasy
  • gay
  • gxg
  • lesbian
  • lgbtq
  • magic
  • mythical
  • romance
  • supernatural
  • vampire
  • werewolf
  • witchcraft


This is a remake of my first and most popular book, Immortal Sin. Now, this remake doesn't really change anything, just adds more details to scenes and explains others better to not be as confusing, hopefully. Her mother was known as a healer to the village until they found out that she was an actual witch, and not just an herbalist, then she was found dead not long after. Her father had wanted to keep her birth a secret, but failed when she was around 3 years old. The villagers didn't want to kill a child so they told him that if she became a witch when she was older they would kill her. So he prayed to the gods that she was human like him. She knew that she was a witch, but decided to keep it a secret from everyone, including her father. It was only on his death bed that she told him that she was like her mother. For the next few months after his death, she was harassed daily by the village folk. Somehow they had found out that she was a witch and was trying to get her out. Villagers then decided to force her out. They burned her house down and chased her out and into the forest that has an unspoken rule about never entering.

Chapter 1: Village Witch

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by MysteryWerewolf14