My Sunshine ( Dream...
By DoinNeex
  • Fanfiction
  • blueberrysans
  • bluedust
  • cream
  • crosssans
  • dreamsans
  • dustberry
  • dustsans
  • errorink
  • errorsans
  • horrorsans
  • inksans
  • killermare
  • killersans
  • multiverseau
  • nightmaresans
  • swapsans
  • âu


Prologue : As the day came , both bad and good are fighting for freedom for themselves. As dream , the guardian of positive and Nightmare , the guardian of negative. both fight and fight for freedom. nightmare really dispite his brother , dream for being blind in the past. Such a shame , nightmare was filled with jealousy and unexpected event , he ate the apple that turn him into a monster. The other couldn't help but fought him for everyone's sake. even dream got punished and turn into a stone for over 500 centuries. yet been able to break the punish. since then dream punished. over 500 centuries nightmare , the guardian of negativity rule the world with his alliance or so called gang. since then , dream became hopeless due to everything change in 500 century. over in a 500 century , dream began to explore and learn things. then he meet ink , the au protector. both start to team up , then meet swap or known as blueberry , a royal guard. which make the three of them became good friends and called themselves the protectors. since then , one day. nightmare and dream meet there paths for again. such a shame nightmare couldn't let a single positive roam around. as he plan to kill it. But there's a unexpectedly happen. nightmare couldn't believe that one of his alliance would fell in love with his brother. what would he do? will he use it for traps he plan? Let's read and discover the story for the answers.


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My Sunshi...
by DoinNeex