Now You're in...
By DharmaLuvs1D
  • Fanfiction
  • avengers
  • irondad
  • peterparker
  • tonyystark


"We did it Mr. Stark! We won!" For a moment, Peter was so overwhelmed with the fact that they had won he didn't notice that Mr. Stark's heartbeat - always so strong and so comforting to Peter - was fading. Suddenly, all at once, that seemed to be all Peter could hear. He couldn't escape it. Mr. Stark was dying and he couldn't change it, couldn't help and couldn't bring himself to confess how he felt. He heard, as if from a great distance, Pepper tell Mr. Stark he could rest, and then there was silence. Deafening silence. His hero, his mentor, the closest thing he had left to a father, was gone. And Peter hadn't even told him how much he meant to him. This is a fictional, post Endgame story about Peter's struggle after Tony Stark's death. It focuses mainly on the time between the final battle, before Far From Home. Some things differ from the movie, but the overall story and rough timeline of events is the same. I loved the relationship between Stark and Peter, and I wish we had gotten to see more of it. Disclaimer: I borrowed the title from the song "In the Stars" by Benson Boone because I thought of it when I was writing this piece. I also used the song to title most of my chapters. If you've heard it, keep it in mind as you read. If not, give it a listen because it's a beautiful, heartbreaking song.

Chapter 1: I'm Still Holding On to Everything That's Dead and Gone

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Now You&#...
by DharmaLuvs1D