Scarlet Meyers
By HeidiCoffman
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • anti-hero
  • crime
  • drugdealer
  • drugs
  • murder


This is the story of a woman, Scarlet Meyers, who recently got a divorce and witnesses a murder. She is kidnapped for a short time and forced to work for the crime ring led by a Mr. Walden Lyons, who is feared among many people in the crime world. She discovers that she enjoys the thrill of the life of crime, and wants to rise to power. As she moves up the ranks, she realizes that there is a line that she decides that she will not cross. She knows that she has what it takes to be in charge, but there is something holding her back.This isn't your typical story about the cops getting the bad guy and they all live happily ever after. This is the story from the side of the murderer, drug dealer, hacker, and thief.

Welcome, Mr. Lyons

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Scarlet M...
by HeidiCoffman