Black Sabbath and W...
By eiddets
  • Fanfiction
  • blowjobs
  • druguse
  • eddiemunson
  • handjobs
  • makingout
  • mlm
  • smutwarning
  • st4
  • steddie
  • steveddie
  • steveharrington
  • stevexeddie
  • strangerthings


Steve always knew he wasn't straight. He remembers being young and confused, and how pretty Tommy H's hair flowed whenever he played soccer. But he had always pushed it down, focusing on the fact that he liked girls. And the girls, they liked him back. But this was different. This was Eddie Munson, the freak, the man who could play guitar oh so well and sold drugs to nervous cheerleaders on sunny afternoons. But yet as he sat there and watched Eddie sway his hips to the beat of the drums, it became more apparent that he was, in fact, infatuated with Eddie. And that scared him. - Or, when Eddie invites Steve over to smoke with him, and Steve has no idea what he's in for. WARNINGS: drug use, sex

Getting High with Eddie Munson

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Black Sab...
by eiddets