The Life between a...
By Kimmi369
  • Fantasy
  • akatsuki
  • anbu
  • asuna
  • dragon
  • fanfiction
  • fire
  • hokage
  • iruka
  • irukaxreader
  • izumo
  • kakashi
  • kiba
  • kotesu
  • kurenai
  • lovestory
  • matureaudience
  • naruto
  • ninja


Kumiko finally comes home after a long time. She is left to face a lot of challenges now, and all while falling back in love with her best friend. She is keeping secrets from him because she doesn't want him to worry about her. If she tells him then, will he still love her back? I don't own any rights to Naruto! Or any Pictures that I use! I'm not following the entire story line for Naruto. This is my first story so please don't be too mean on me 😅 but criticism is always appreciated. I'm only writing this in my free time! This is your first and only warning. This is because of mature content! I also have a dark sense of humor so if you don't like that then don't read!

Chapter 1: Coming Home

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The Life...
by Kimmi369