Out Of This World (...
By asylumina
  • Fanfiction
  • cooper
  • cooperxoc
  • dalecooper
  • fanfiction
  • foxmulder
  • mulder
  • mulderxoc
  • originalcharacter
  • romance
  • twinpeaks
  • xfiles


Agent Fox Mulder gets a new partner in the X Files department, Agent Sandra Flynn. Sandra is no stranger to supernatural occurances, after her partner, Thomasina Powell, went missing. The pair is brought to Twin Peaks, Washington under leadership from Special Agent Dale Cooper. Although Laura Palmer's killer has been caught, two people have gone missing. With the continuing visions of giants, red curtains, and BOB, the trio are set out to find the truth. But the truth might just be out of this world... Note: This does not feature Dana Scully unless in passing; The years are off, I know, but this is an original concept; This does not follow X Files storylines nor Twin Peaks storylines. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any characters aside from my original characters, Sandra Flynn and Thomasina Powell.

1. The Arrival

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Out Of Th...
by asylumina