T r a n s c r i p t
By Lets-try-again
  • General Fiction
  • adamproject
  • adamreed
  • goodwriting
  • movie
  • practice
  • ryanreynolds
  • transcript
  • tvshow
  • walkerscobell


Heyyyy Wattpad! Here we got ourselves a book of INTERESTING writing practice. This is a great exercise that I like to do with my favorite movie scenes - transcription. Where I take movie scenes and I try my absolute best to flesh them out into interesting writing that is true to screen. I find myself uncovering a lot about the characters' development and their inner monologue, since that's not in a movie. I think that some of the worst movies could have made decent books, because the transition of media changes a lot of things. A boring movie scene in words can be filled with shocking dialogue, subtle action, and the most betraying of inner monologues ever. And the best part? It's not some crappy fanfiction that I have to work really, really hard to please for and actually think up what happens. This strains my brain in a different way :) If you like these scenes or have scene them before, then please let me know how I did or how I could improve! I appreciate any constructive criticism. I started with being obsessed with the Adam Project (though I have not seen it yet) and started writing out THAT reveal scene for fun before realizing this had serious benefit. I accept requests and suggestions! Comment or DM, make sure you are specific, but keep in mind that I have rights to decline. Nothing above PG-13 rating. Check my profile for things I'm interested in and would be willing to write about!

The Adam Project - Adam Meets Adam

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by Lets-try-again