By Bryce0094
  • General Fiction
  • ending
  • final
  • gonegirl
  • itsnothard
  • mentalhealth
  • selfhelp
  • whatnow


We all want a great ending, from our movies, to our books, our sports seasons, and races. We crave closure, even better if it's a happy one. Being human however, we realize that not every book or season ends well. It is at times like these, that we lean hard on that reliant stunt double to take the fall, even if the ending isn't exactly how we had hoped, closure can still come through. Closure is as close to satisfaction that you can get without goin over. So what happens when closure doesn't arrive? What happens when the book just ends unexpectedly?When the rain troubled t-ball season is abbreviated, leaving the last two games unplayed and the result in doubt? What happens when the symphony packs up mid billet, and walks out, leaving you with half eaten popcorn? What if? And what if? What if it's more important, if it's that girl, or that boy, and you didn't so much fall in love. You more accurately, thew yourself at it with reckless abandon, and it disappeared right before your eyes? How should we react, when there is no neat excuse, no happy ending, no reasonable explanation? It's simply uneaten popcorn, unheard music, and a disappointing season? Lilt, is about that journey, About finding the quiet melody in the madness. At once knowing that "what cannot be said, will be wept", and sometimes, the only closure we get, is understanding that the lesson was in the living. Life can be the most unfair teacher, and sometimes the song is all we have to remember the journey. I hope you enjoy the song.

By Way Of...

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by Bryce0094