Kuroko No Basket (Y...
By Kuro-Chi_9
  • Fanfiction
  • anime
  • fanfiction
  • romance
  • sports
  • yaoi


Tetsuya Kuroko is a basketball player. Not just one ordinary one, but the real deal. He worked with powerful monsters in middle school, the Generation of Miracles, but then broke apart within. One each separated their each ways. Kuroko is a shadow. One that needs one thing left to fit this shadow. Aoime Daiki was once his light. He was the beast. A monster recalled from the year from now then. Aoime also shared something special with Kuroko. Seijuro Akashi, leader. Atushi Murasakibara, the enraged monster. Shintaro Midorima, the 3 point shooter. Ryota Kise, the copy cat. Daiki Aoime, the ace. And Testuya Kuroko, the phantom sixth player. Taiga Kagami, the monster who will reach the Generation of Miracles limit. Taiga and Testuya attends the same high school as first years and also for basketball. Once Taiga hears about the Generation of Miracles, he wants to defeat them all. But he'll need someone. And that somewhat person is the shadow within. Testuya Kuroko. But he finds a secret?


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Kuroko No...
by Kuro-Chi_9