Soulmates are Overr...
By carmellajane18
  • Romance
  • business
  • completed
  • fiction
  • love
  • marriage
  • romance
  • soulmates
  • technology
  • truelove


"Is it really that big of a deal?" Hudson asks. Is it a big deal that I matched with this insufferable man instead of my husband? He's right, there's nothing wrong with that in any sense. I clear my throat and stand straighter, crossing my arms. If he's going to just brush it off like a piece of lint littering his coat, then I will too. "I don't know what you're talking about." He opens his mouth to say something, but before he has the chance, someone bumps into my back. Hudson holds his arms out and catches my falling form, placing his hands on my elbows to keep me sturdy. Hudson ensures to meet my gaze with my arm still in his tight grasp. The blue pools of his eyes are swimming with an emotion I can't recognize. It's not his usual teasing glare or humorous gleam. It's more intense than I have seen before. With his face only a few inches from mine, I notice the pale freckles darted across his thin nose. When I notice his gaze studying the features of my face, I quickly yank myself out of his grasp. *** Alexa Davis is married to her college sweetheart, Julian, but the married life isn't all its cracked up to be. The bills are piling up and with her job on the line, Alex has no idea how she's going to be able to keep a roof over her head. The last thing she wants to worry about is finding out her soulmate is not her husband. Instead, she matches with none other than Hudson Thomas. The same guy she is competing with for a job. She tries to ignore it altogether, but doubts fill her head when she starts to see a different side to Hudson. Does Alex choose to stay with the man she married or does she abandon every logical thing to chase after her soulmate?

Chapter One

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by carmellajane18