By TheWereVamp
  • Fanfiction
  • dominant
  • erotic
  • eva
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • love
  • lucas
  • mafia
  • mature
  • possessive
  • romance
  • thriller
  • warning


The word "mafia" often conjures up images of menacing men in dark suits, smoking cigars and holding court in shadowy back rooms. They are portrayed as ruthless and cold-blooded individuals, willing to do whatever it takes to protect their interests and maintain their power. However, these stereotypes only scratch the surface of what the mafia truly is, and what it represents. In this thrilling adventure, we will explore the world of the mafia, delving deep into its history, culture, and inner workings. We will meet the people who make up this complex organization, and learn about their beliefs, values, and motivations. We will discover how the mafia operates, from its hierarchical structure to its codes of conduct and unwritten rules. Along the way, we will encounter a cast of colorful characters, each with their own story to tell. We will hear from former mobsters who have turned their backs on the life, and from law enforcement officials who have spent their careers trying to take down the mafia. We will visit the sites of infamous mafia crimes, and examine the impact that the mafia has had on society as a whole. Through it all, we will seek to answer the question: who is the mafia really? Is it the ruthless criminal organization that Hollywood has made it out to be, or is there more to it than meets the eye? Join us on this journey of discovery, and find out for yourself what lies at the heart of the mysterious and fascinating world of the mafia. This is the intro of my book Mafia. We'll know more in the next part. Till then stay tuned and listen to my tracks here:-

The Interview

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by TheWereVamp