Eyes On The Clock
By RangersKnowBest
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Our world is the same of yours. Same food, Same cultures, same animals, same illnesses, Same Hopes and Dreams. But our hopes and dreams, have a timer. The timer doesn't work for everything, but it works for most things. It's main purpose is to count down the amount of days, years, minutes, and seconds until you find your so called soul mate. Now I'm not totally sold on the idea of soul mates. Not everyone is. But so far these things have always been accurate. Here's how it works, this isn't the exact science because no one really knows how they works, but At birth your given a watch. You then take a blood test of some sort Which then pretty much narrows it down. As life goes on every year on birthday you take a new blood test which narrows it down even more. Roughly By the time you turn 17. The watch has figured out who your soulmate is and when you meet them. One more fun fact. Tomorrow is my birthday and if you can put two and two together You can guess how old I'm turning.

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Eyes On T...
by RangersKnowBest