By samantha_muirhead
  • Adventure
  • adventure
  • allages
  • badgirl
  • clans
  • drama
  • epic
  • female
  • fiction
  • fighter
  • free
  • friendship
  • girlpower
  • humour
  • kidnap
  • kidnapped
  • noswearing
  • ransom
  • revenge
  • spirit
  • stolen
  • strong
  • teenfiction
  • teens
  • tied


Brock lunged at me, all brute force and whirling fists. I moved like a hot knife through butter, going for his clumsy boots. I swung my foot out, catching him in the crook of my ankle. And then he was falling, and I raced towards him, my fist stopping inches from his nose. I pressed my knee into his chest a little harder than I needed to, driving the point home. "And now you're dead." I said proudly. Brock looked embarrassed, and slunk back into the crowd. I glanced at Calvin, who firmly closed his gaping mouth. "Right then." Calvin stretched and I saw muscles bulge in his arms. "Lets see how smug you are once you've had a piece of me eh?" His warriors cheered and I gulped, but raised my fists. Briella Fog is the daughter of the famous Nick Fog, leader of the Earth clan. She's spirited, and can fight better than any boy- or so she says. She's either dresses up as a boy to be allowed to train with the warriors or harvesting carrots at home. But then she is kidnapped, by the Fire clan, the toughest warriors alive. But if they expected an easy, sweet little girl hostage, they were wrong. Very wrong. (Wrote this story a while ago when I was younger, so sorry if it's not as good as my other story, One Wish, which I truly am proud of (:)

Chapter 1 - Carrots

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by samantha_muirhead