Robotboy: best wish...
By Project_rosei
  • Fanfiction
  • protoboy
  • robotboy
  • whoremembersthisshow
  • wut


Yep, I'm remaking this one to. I didn't want to but i am :D Main reason is the story. It wasn't as bad as Pokestory, but it was still really stupid. I thought edits would help but no lol. Thanks for the support tho! We all know the story... Robotboy is the hero and Protoboy the villain, Robotboy the chosen, Protoboy the other, Robotboy the one with a happy life, Protoboy the one who could have had all that, but had it forcefully taken away from him. Well take everything you know and throw it in the garbage! This story follows tommy getting a surprise delivery, which just so happens to be Protoboy! With the help of Moshimo's new invention, they are able to remove the virus that was controlling him and make Protoboy good, but now he has a bit of amnesia... Meanwhile most of the villains formed a group called the Beadalls, and they have other plans or the robots... Somewhat inspired by Memory: not found and "Just a prototype" This story will also be a gacha club series on YouTube if you're interested: You can call it good; you can call it bad; I don't care. As long as I can keep this show alive in some way, I'm happy. Who knows, one day I may never see it again.

Robotboy: Best wishes: S1 E1

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by Project_rosei