Blood Roses (On hol...
By gabbyheav
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • family
  • hatred
  • lossoflovedone
  • love
  • luna
  • romance
  • tragedy
  • werewolf


The wolf now started to walk towards me. It wasn't growling anymore, its eye softened the closer it got to me. For some reason, I didn't feel like it would hurt me, which caused me to start walking toward it as well. Our steps finally came to a stop. The silence could be cut with a knife, it was so thick. All that could be heard for miles was our slow steady breathing and the waves crashing against the edge of the cliff. After what seemed like a lifetime, the wolf broke our eye contact and turned around walking towards the trees. He shifted back to his human form and out emerged the godliest figure I have ever led my eye upon. He had piercing blue eyes just like his wolf, dark brown hair that could pass off as black, abs that could make any girl drop to her knees, and not to mention he was unnaturally tall. He slowly walked, toward me. Every step he took made my heartbeat pick up in speed. I did not move a muscle, scared that if I did, he would vanish and I would wake up in my head and this would all be a dream. Finally, he stood in front of me and one word came from his mouth in a low growl that made my heart stop. "Mine." (UNEDITED: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)


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Blood Ros...
by gabbyheav