[ON HOLD temporaril...
By loveWriting0816
  • Fanfiction
  • bennett
  • bonnie
  • caroline
  • damon
  • damonsalvatore
  • elena
  • forbes
  • gilbert
  • jeremy
  • lockwood
  • mikaelsons
  • salvatore
  • stefansalvatore
  • thevampirediares
  • tvd
  • tyler


My name is Elliot Gilbert and I'm the eldest son in the Gilbert residence. "Sons be raised in frugality, and daughters in abundance," Unknown said. Elena Gilbert is my adopted younger sister, the daughter that should be and is raised in abundance. Jeremy Gilbert is my biological younger brother, the youngest child that should and will be overindulged. I'm the eldest son that is raised in frugality with all the family burden. I'm perfect, motivated, and reliable. I'm an achiever and a leader. I'm the proud son that my dad always bring to the 'adults meeting,' I'm also the head of student committee, the captain and quarterback of the football team. I'm everything my parents and everyone else wanted me to be. But I'm nothing of who I want to be. I saw a quote and I think it fits me perfectly, "Every achievement is taken for granted and perfection is the norm." I cannot count how many times I've described myself with the term 'perfect,' and I do not intend do. Because it is who I am. Perfect. How will Elliot react when the supernatural began to come into play, slowly uncovering the secrets he tried to keep in the dark? How will Elliot help his siblings re-establish their sense of responsibility and moral principles? How will Elliot protect his siblings from the notorious hybrid before he meets his own demise? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male OC x Rebekah Mikaelson ***WARNING: Might on hold at any times, and slow updates.*** Miracle: Update daily Expectation: Update weekly Reality: Update biweekly or even monthly

Bonus Chapter

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by loveWriting0816