Fate of Duro: Subju...
By Midnighthunger
  • Romance
  • afterthewar
  • agegap
  • apocalypse
  • dystopian
  • fiction
  • king
  • leader
  • romance-friendship
  • romancestories
  • youngadult


Book Two of the "Fate of Duro Series" There had been no hope for the future of Duro. Those that had been left were destined to extinct themselves, kill off those who had survived the war out of greed and desperation. But then there was a new hope, a spark of life for the future of Duro. Asara had been promised to her clan's future leader far before she reached womanhood. She was made the vessel of the future before she ever had a choice. As a child she had been unsure about it all, what it meant, why it was happening. As a teen she had been furious at the arrangement, feeling it was unfair she could not gawk at or flirt with the boys more her age like the other village girls were able to. As nearly an adult Asara no longer knows how she feels. Asara had wanted nothing to do with Larken for her entire existence and despite his desire he respected that. Time was running out though it felt and Asara would no longer get to keep Larken at a distance once others learned her secret. What happens when he learns her secret too?

Chapter One: New Horizons

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Fate of D...
by Midnighthunger