Like Basketball
By josevierneza
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long long ago,there was a kid height 4'2 weak at basketball but he love basketball name of his bestfriend name jose amd his enemy name marc and they live at the orphange,Next day the NBA in long National Basketball Association they donate him a shoes the brand of his shoes os Jordan the nba star gave him is stephen curry and at the side of shoes of gabriel the name of the aide of gabriel is MJ gabriel was thinking he said ''this is from michael jordan'' gabriel was so happy then marc was so angry then marc think he said i will put that electric wire evil laugh,Next Day there was a storm coming gabriel is sleeping marc said this my chance to put his shoes in the electric wire someone hear it gabriel bestfriend jose, now jose just pretend to sleep until the shoes of gabriel steal mrac then marc climb at the tree then he put it in the electric wire the marc was so happy evil laugh then he sleep,gabriel wake up in the midnight gabriel said''i will see my shoes under his bedroom"gabriel

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by josevierneza