my therapist (allda...
By lilacForms
  • Fanfiction
  • alldaniel
  • ansan
  • daniel
  • dg
  • eugene
  • goo
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  • lookism
  • nomen
  • physchological


I Daniel started living on my own when I moved to Seoul to work at the age of 15 and it was no joke since who would hire a minor unless it's a part time job you shouldn't really have a problem so I went for therapist as a job when I turned 18 I couldn't even stand a chance if I hadn't study for 3years to get my master degree after getting accepted I started working right away and surprisingly I had many clients I had a foreigner and a many who looked like a gangster even a person who I thought was just a famous social media star turns out to be a idol that probably makes ten times more than me as a client they all sticked with me for 7 years until I quited at the age of 24 i then went for a decent apartment I can afford and lived comfortably until a half a month old clients suddenly kept barging in.....

part 1

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my therap...
by lilacForms