By Tiara_heart33
  • Spiritual
  • divination
  • magic
  • pagan
  • paganism
  • witchcraft
  • witchytips


Well this is my research as a Beginner Witch basically,I am taking the info(like if I take some ideas,spells, I just want to,etc) from outside sources (which I will be listing) and putting them out into my own words (BUT by giving THEM the credit) Though some of them are my own too so I won't be listing anything in regards to them. These are my notes basically. Tbh today, sometime ago probably 1 pm or something I was sad and then BOOM I got an idea to write a book on Wattpad as my Grimoire and post it here,to have my memories in hand and like maybe even help you guys out! :) I am also into Paganism and Demonolatry,as my journey grows I know I will be getting into other things ^^ English is not my first language so there might be some errors! I am taking the cover from Pinterest and mainly all my pictures are/are gonna be from other sources unless I state otherwise(like if it's mine)! I am gonna be updating at my own pace.

What is Witchcraft?

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by Tiara_heart33