The Kiss Of Darkne...
By Savage_pov
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • btsjimin
  • fluff
  • gay
  • jiminxbts
  • jinmin
  • nammin
  • polonomyry
  • slightbdms
  • vmin


Plunged into darkness. Swimming in the pools of madness. Sleeping at the border of crazy. All their lives they had been put down or put to high, the pressure and distaste they recieved affected them. Making them deformed, perfect together but missing something all together. They walked the rode of no return, breathing in the air of desolation, destruction and craze even. Shaped by the ghost of the past, the demons of the future. Can they survive what they are? What they molded them to be. All they would do is hope but no prayers were answered. Until he came, they saw the ray of light, like a stranded person in the desert they pounced at the first sight of water. But like a begger who recieved a pot of gold, they were cautious, scared that all of it could be a mirage, a figment of their imagination. Maybe it wasn't real, maybe he wasn't real. They couldnt trust, walk or talk. They were shrouded by the mistakes of the past and can't seem to break free. Can someone save these lost souls? Heal them? Will you do it? Or will the boy they had been crying to, hoping to shine a light on them? Who knows?


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The Kiss...
by Savage_pov