Cosmic Aeons
By XLuzette
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • divine
  • gods
  • heaven
  • lgbtq
  • mystery
  • runaway
  • souls
  • supernatural
  • xenofiction


(Hello hello :D please note that this book is very old by now and it's very bad (the plot is also very bad and basically nonexistent, which you can tell from the description because I do not feel like rewriting it), so read at your own risk :) I am considering entirely rewriting the first 3/4ths as they are the ancient parts, but have other things to do before that :/) Being someone whose first memory he seems to be able to remember is being kidnapped by an organisation that resides somewhere between the stars that has an unclear goal and is not known for their hospitality towards anyone else, Cosmo feels slightly overwhelmed about suddenly being forced into the "real world" unfamiliar to him after having escaped from said organisation's clutches. After successfully not dying during his attempt to get away, he somehow manages to end up in Heaven, the place currently a Hotspot for the Ultimas' Invasions, the same feeling group of people who had recently been accused of killing Lucia, the head of Hell. It seems as though Cosmo's existence has peaked their interests aswell...The more Cosmo focuses on the intentions of the people he runs into, the stranger they become. Everyone seems to be focused on solely themselves and nothing else...And what's this Karma and Fate stuff that everyone keeps blabbering on about? There's so many questions Cosmo wants to solve, but there's not always time... (Btw, apologies if there's any errors in the writing, the first thirty or so chapters were written on paper originally and it would've taken too long to convert them all to digital form by typing them out, so the writer used a program that isn't entirely perfect at deciphering their handwriting. Or maybe their handwriting is just too messy. Or both. Pointing them out is greatly appreciated though. Even after multiple test reads, some were missed.)

Scoff (1)

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Cosmic Ae...
by XLuzette