Murder Valley
By MariePerry8
  • Paranormal
  • babies
  • betrayal
  • catastrophe
  • children
  • college
  • demons
  • father
  • fightingforsurvival
  • happiness
  • investigations
  • loss
  • love
  • mediums
  • mother
  • murder
  • newfamily
  • newlove
  • paranormal
  • priests
  • psychic-abilities
  • witchcraft
  • witches


Lindsey Jonas and a group of her friends disappeared while on a camping trip. The local search and rescue never found a sign of them, they or their bodies were never found. Lindsey and her friends never knew the place had bad connotations. The group went camping as it was the last time they would see each other before embarking on their new journeys after college. They also never knew this camping trip would be the last time they would ever see each other again. A paranormal investigation group decided upon going to the area to try and make contact with the missing group, ten years to the day the group went missing. Would the paranormal group get more than they bargained for? Would they come back alive or go missing like the group?

Juliet Falls.

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Murder Va...
by MariePerry8