Luminary Rising
By KamikazeDragon
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • dragon
  • fantasy
  • knights
  • luminary
  • magic
  • moon
  • soul
  • sun
  • war


Long ago, the world was embraced by powerful forces which divided all life on the planet into three distinct types. Those aligned with the god Solus, the devil Lunaris, and the lesser neutral beings. At least this is what the church would have you believe. Monsters now roam and powerful gems called Sol Stones are mined to be used as fuel for magic. Finnley Gallihan is a 16 year old miner of such stones in the port town of Daemarrel. With his passing birthday he recieved his own Sol stone to do with as he pleases, paving the path for his curiosity about the truth of the stones. What was supposed to be an ordinary day at the festival became something far more sinister and would change his life forever. What does it take to free a world from delusion? Is war the only option? And what does it mean to play god? This is a passion project that is likely subject to change. Even the name is placeholder. If you're reading it, you're awesome :) and it means a whole lot to me. I'm rusty when it comes to writing so hopefully it's not too repetitive. I hope you enjoy the set ups in the first few chapters I've got a massive plan for this book which will take ages to get down. So for now a lot of it is just getting through my main ideas. Please forgive the bad jokes!

Full Moon

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by KamikazeDragon