On Borrowed Time
By mariabettina01
  • Fanfiction
  • bulgasal
  • bulgasalimmortalsouls
  • firstfanfic
  • hellovenus
  • jinramen
  • kdrama
  • koreandramas
  • koreanfanfic
  • kwonnara
  • leejinuk
  • leejinwook
  • romancefanfiction
  • sanghwal


From the time they met at the laundry plant, they've only known each other for about a month. But during that short amount of time, going through a roller coaster of events had changed them for the better. From violent rage, their relationship shifted to mutual trust to fight against a common enemy, to companionship into what seemed like almost love but not quite. Yet they always had this undeniable pull towards each other. Be it because they are two broken souls who found safety and comfort in each other. Be it unresolved history, or something else that connected them together beyond time. NOTES: An alternate take on Episode 12 in which there was no stabbing incident in the bathroom but instead romance ensued between these two, that lead to that beach hug scene from the fourth teaser that TVN painfully deprived us of. PS: This is to all my fellow SangHwal JinRamen shippers out there who still could not move on from this awesome drama. To the "The leads have zero chemistry" crowd, 꺼져 ggeo-jyeo! To the "I hate the romance part" crowd, 나가주세요 nagajuseyo!

Her Dilemma

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On Borrow...
by mariabettina01