Claymore : The Awak...
By DragonKin131
  • Science Fiction
  • anime
  • claymore
  • drama
  • fanfiction
  • fighting
  • hunters


In a place in time, creatures started to appear that were called Yoma. These creatures were the top of the food chain. They hunted and ate humans. The humans were defenseless against these foes. Suddenly, an Organization appeared that created warriors that were able to over power the Yoma. These warriors were half Yoma themselves. They have no name but the humans came to call them silver-eyed warlocks. But, they mostly called them Claymores, after the sword they carried around. These soldiers were great at fighting the Yoma because they could sense them using a thing called Youki. But, the problem with these half-demon warriors is that they would reach their limits faster and would lose their humanity and become Yoma themselves. After they reach and surpass their limits, they became known as Awakened Ones or Awakened Beings. They became more powerful than they were before but they also enjoyed feasting on human flesh. The male warriors would Awaken too fast so they created a new type of warrior. A female one, which was able to fight longer and didn't reach their limits as fast. They were to replace the males. This story is about the first generation fading away into the second one. A female one.

The Hunters, Part 1

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by DragonKin131