'Sweet Septemb...
By user59092510
  • Romance
  • 1990s
  • apple
  • books
  • christian
  • dresses
  • fiction
  • flowers
  • highschool
  • light
  • love
  • lovers
  • mississippi
  • novels
  • pies
  • read
  • readers
  • romance
  • romantic
  • seasons
  • september
  • shortstory
  • spirits
  • spiritual
  • spiritualawakening
  • trees


Susan always enjoyed her favorite month, September, that she nicknamed 'Sweet September.' September is the season of Autumn, Spring, and Harvesting. That month, her plants and fruits fully bloomed in her hometown of Mississippi. Also doing that month, Susan is always looking forward to the Mississippi Festival. That following year in 1995, Susan was super busy getting prepared for the festival. She is growing apples in her garden, for her mom's yummy apple pies, which are very popular in her town. Also, Susan has been so busy with her own business, the Floral shop. A business that she and her late husband Ted built together. Ted died a few years ago, from a Heart attack, and that same year, her Dad Sir Walters died from cancer. Combining those deaths in the same year, Susan still hasn't got over those deaths to this day. From being on a busy schedule, she gets a surprising unexpected visit, from a high school crush named Rob Davis. Rob Davis was the handsome popular football player that always swept girls off their feet but then he broke their hearts. He was also a prankster and jokester. Susan was the nerdy shy girl in those days, that stared at Rob Davis from afar. Susan had a secret crush on Rob Davis. Rob Davis had classes with Susan but his pranks on Susan, like the time he put a frog in her shirt, was the most embarrassing for Susan, as the whole school laughed at Susan. Years later Rob Davis comes back to Mississippi to visit friends and family. He happens to be in the area, where Susan's mom Betty lives. Susan happens to be at her mom's house that same day. Rob Davis comes over to Betty's house unexpectedly. So why Is Rob Davis at Betty's House? How does Susan react? Can this truly be a match years later? How does Susan balance everything in her schedule, along with this unexpected crush, coming back into her life? Read in a quiet peaceful place. Thanks for reading

Chapter 1- 'Autumn'

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by user59092510