The second Love
By Sophie1369
  • Action
  • action
  • hero
  • horses
  • mystic
  • professorsnape
  • severus
  • severussnape
  • spicy
  • starstable
  • twolifes


Severus Snape is lonely. He hates his Job, he hates the Order, he hates - nearly everything about his life? He don't want to life like that, but what could he do without making the great Dumbledore angry? Severus is seeking for someone to trust. The fact that he learned to ride at a young age encourages him to buy a horse. But this animal is more than just a horse. With it, Severus gets a power named 'Fumus'. With these chances, he gets a secret life, but also a new staff. Y/N. First he didn't saw it, but isn't she pretty? He cant believe hes falling in love again, but he can trust her immediatly. When does she find out about his second life? This novel contains a lot of action, potential for intuition and love about two people. It's also my first one and I'd like it to get some tipps for other ones. Thank you for reading it <3

The Order's meeting

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The secon...
by Sophie1369