Tales of Arise Walk...
By thebaobhansith
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Hello, and welcome to Frankie Anne's walkthrough and guide for Tales of Arise! This newest offering in the series, for the 25th Anniversary, takes a big leap forward as far as aesthetics and battle mechanics go, but it is also endearingly true to its roots in story and character. Sub-quests and trophies are easy to stumble upon, but some will require skill, patience, and a little bit of know-how, which I will attempt to pass on through this guide. As always, I will strive to bring you, the player, to 100% game completion, and I will do so with as few spoilers as possible. If you get stuck, I will be here to point you in the right direction! Many of the trophies and Play Records in Arise are fairly straightforward, but a few of them are subject to player style and proficiency, or luck. I can guarantee they won't unlock at the same point for every player but, excitingly, it is possible to earn all 48 of them in your first playthrough! I will bundle story trophy achievements with the main and sub-quests, all flowing together naturally with as little backtracking as possible. However, since your mileage may vary, I will also list other trophies as soon as it is possible to start working for them. I encourage you to use this guide as the giant, all-encompassing checklist I have designed it to be. If I have neglected any information that you think should be presented, or have presented something in error, please don't hesitate to contact me. I will add/change as necessary, and give full credit where credit is due. Thank you. Warmest Regards, Frankie Anne


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Tales of...
by thebaobhansith