Diplomacy | SovAme...
By i_can_kindawrite
  • Fanfiction
  • america
  • countryhumanoc
  • countryhumans
  • countryhumansnsfw
  • countryxcountry
  • gayaf
  • gayships
  • sovame
  • soviet
  • sovietxamerica


HAHAHA I'M BAAAACKK I've been on like a Wattpad hiatus for like...I think a year idk 💀 but I'm back now: and what's a better comeback than a throwback to the old times: Countryhumans. I fell out of interest in it for a long while, but I've been sucked down the rabbit hole again. However, just because I'm back on Wattpad, it doesn't mean that I'm gonna be back here, writing frequently. Most of my other well-written fanfic (which is non-CH) will be on my AO3 Most of my stuff on Wattpad will either be CH or some other crack writing...so be sure to check my other stuff out. (Now for the ACTUAL book description) ********* The Soviet Union and America: like oil and water. Capitalism, communism, incompatible. This was especially true during the intense years of the Cold War. But, the two nations have to talk to each other anyway, for the sake of diplomacy and the like. Usually, their negotiations or even simple discussions on whether tea or coffee was better would turn into heated debates with no progress whatsoever. But one day, one of their conversations goes...surprisingly well. What comes next in their relations? (Contains Smut ;))


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by i_can_kindawrite