Pirate and Salt get into Gay Pirate Stuff. this is actually kinda serious but I'm terrible at sounding or looking professional. _______________________________________________________ Quick Headcannons Rq, 1: Pirate and Salt are good friends, and used to be in the navy together. 2: Salt is Gay and Pirate is closeted Bi. 3: Pirates actual name is Jackson, and Salts is Percy (because I like it and also I forgot what the other one was if someone I know is reading this) 4: Pirate is in a failing marriage with Captain Ice. Neither of them really want to stay together, but they do it for the kids. 4a: Said kids are Sorbet and Peppermint. 5: Captin Ices name is Minnie _______________________________________________________ DISCLAMER SEX IS IN THIS. There is hot gay sex, and if that ain't your thing, thats A-ok. But there do be penis. And also mentions of divorce. So, quick heads up. And also also cheating. Like, even discussing it beforehand. _______________________________________________________ I hope you like it, if you don't, still interact with it because that gives me clout either way.