The Renegade Nerd (...
By SeniorCarta
  • Romance
  • nerdboys
  • renegade
  • romance


(ONGOING) Sabrina Kye Corbin is impressed by the idea that all men must put in the effort to discover the feeling of love. Despite the fact that she already has a partner, she is certain that he is not the one she is looking for. As a Corbin in the family, they only give their love to one person who is sure to be with them in the future. And this is not her current boyfriend. Her father's previous relationship with other woman sprang to her mind, the caused of her anger towards men. Even so, she still has hope that another man would exist for her and love her the way she wants. She was searching for the man she would love when Lyxe suddenly showed up. Sabrina is unsure of why he constantly teases her each by day. It led to the point that Sabrina was used to it. She feels as though she has found the right man because the anger in her heart is also fading. However, as the resentment in his heart fades, the reality of Lyxe's identity and the reasons why he showed up in her life as if she just recently tasted sweet love grows.


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The Reneg...
by SeniorCarta