The economy of emot...
By World-Of-Daydreams
  • Science Fiction
  • 2025
  • altered-timeline
  • brain
  • control
  • economy
  • emotions
  • future
  • fututre
  • power
  • timeline


A timeline where almost every human on earth has to pay for emotions is not that shocking. Yet people still get disturbed at the thought that it's even an existing idea and convince themselves that it won't happen, that the future like that is too far away to reach them. But, the idea makes too much sense. People in power want money and control over people, and isn't it "lovely" that they would do anything to gain it? Even changing the brain's functions! And the technology is so advanced! Haha! So, with this book, you will dive into the world where in 2025, the government has controlled people's brains for 76 years. You will realize why the idea of brain control, doesn't seem so bad with our 4 protagonists. Or does it?

2 kids out in the dusk

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The econo...
by World-Of-Daydreams