Master of the Thron...
By AltriaPentdragon
  • Historical Fiction
  • blackclover
  • fgo


You were born along side Asta and Yuno, growing up you talked to a light silhouette who was 'Solomon' who claimed he was your father, but you didn't know what that meant since you had no parents and no knowledge of that word, you displayed no useful powers unlike Yuno but had high power of protection whenever someone had bad intentions. During the ceremony everyone has gotten their grimoire except Asta and.. you.. you stood there looking down at the floor trying to avoid humiliation of yourself, but a sudden pain on the back of your hand led you to fall to the floor and winced in pain, Yuno and Asta tried to approach you but were flung back against the wall without any reason with a warning from someone familiar, you remembered 'him' your 'father' but couldn't say a word because of the pain..

Someone's guiding hand 1/2

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Master of...
by AltriaPentdragon