Meet Kaori, An ordinary girl with a unique past that involves of a legendary pokemon, Lugia. A girl from Pallet Town, working at Professor Oak's lab as his errand girl and the caretaker of the Pokémons that staying in the lab. A small errand to the woods, she encountered an injured Pachirisu which strange due to not being in this region. She decided to take it to the lab. As she become 10 year old, it is time to set off, but still undecided to what to do in her journey. As soon as her mother told her of what Lugia have done to her, made her first goal to find Lugia. Together with her first pokemon Pachirisu, let's explore her journey to find Lugia what the her story unfolds in the world of Pokemon. STARTED: April 1, 2022 ENDED: --- UPDATES EVERY FRIDAYSSS NOTE: I do not own anything in the Pokémon franchise. I just created the story related to the franchise. A big credits to the creators.