After many, many repeats of the classic story from The Fractured But Whole, [the New Kid] begins to become aware of their rather locked-in reality to this chain of dialogue, almost never changing. They try their best to alter the story, in minor ways to start, but as things refuse to adapt and shift, they get desperate. Their sense of reality and morality begin to melt away as time goes on. They always manage to faint in a chaotic haze, to then arise from sleep as before. After an attempt they've lost count of, [the New Kid] takes the hand of Professor Chaos for the first time, and after so many times he has been on a monologue, pleading to join him in the Dark Side. Chaos obliges, and a new alliance is formed with one of the most chaotic villains and one of the most powerful ex-superheroes. They almost immediately began devising a plan, one to hopefully be "the plan to end all plans", so to speak. Our story takes place over a year after, a day before 5th Grade Graduation. With a prolonged absence of [the New Kid], taken note of by Scott Malkinson, and an anonymous threat by Chaos and a second individual during the graduation ceremony, the shelved group that is 'Freedom Pals' have to re-assemble to defeat whatever danger is threatening the town, conveniently as summer break begins. With the combined forces of Captain Diabetes, Doctor Timothy, Fastpass, Tupperware, Mintberry Crunch, Mysterion, and two new recruits, they will have to face a threat that they soon will find to be too near and dear to them, and one of very high stakes. This soon becomes a series of mind games, not just fights. Doctor Timothy fears of this new warfare, and what may result because of it all. More importantly, where IS [the New Kid]? (Dialogue which contains the name mention of the New Kid will be replaced with [New Kid], as it serves a function similar to that of Y/N. The New Kid is a customizable character in game, and thus will be for this AU, too, custom to every reader.)
Chapter 0: An Open Hand